Paalzow Anders
Doctor of Philosophy (Economics), Department of Economics, Stockholm School of Economics, Sweden, 1986-1992 / Thesis: Public Debt Management
Civilekonom, Stockholm School of Economics, Sweden, 1982-1985 / Major: Accounting and Finance
Visiting Ph.D. student, Department of Economics, University of Rochester, New York, USA, 1988-1989
The Bank of Sweden Tercentenary Foundation, (Riksbankens Jubileumsfond), 1994-1996.
The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, (Kungliga Vetenskapsakademien), 1988-1989.
Employment History
Rector/President, Stockholm School of Economics in Riga, Latvia, 1999-
Rector/President, Stockholm School of Economics in Russia, Russia and Sweden, 2019-
Acting Director, Baltic International Centre for Economic Policy Studies (BICEPS), Riga, Latvia, 2016-
Dean, Stockholm School of Economics in Riga, 1997-1999
Research Fellow, the Economics Research Institute, Stockholm, 1997-2000
Research areas: Fiscal Policy, Macroeconomics, Public Finance
Committee Secretary, the Government Commission on Public Debt Management, Ministry of Finance, Sweden, 1995-1997
Lecturer, Stockholm School of Economics in Riga, 1995-1998
Teaching: Intermediate macroeconomics; Executive education courses.
Postdoctoral Fellow, the Economic Research Institute, Stockholm, 1992-1997
Research areas: Public Debt, Public Finance, Fiscal Policy, Finance
Assistant Professor, Department of Economics, Stockholm School of Economics, 1992-1998. Teaching: Advanced macroeconomics and labour economics; Economic history and economic policy analysis; Economic and financial forecasting; Executive education courses
Administration: Assistant director, the Ph.D. programme in economics; Member of the admissions committee to the Ph.D. programme in economics
Teaching Assistant, Stockholm School of Economics, Stockholm, 1985-1988, 1990-1991. Teaching: Intermediate microeconomics; Intermediate macroeconomics
Research Assistant, the Economics Research Institute, Stockholm, 1985-1988
Research: Fiscal policy
Academic Community Involvement
University of Central Asia, Member of the Faculty Appointments and Promotion Committee, 2017-
Baltic International Centre for Economic Policy Studies (BICEPS), Riga, Acting Director, 2016-
Norway Grants, EU-policies impact to the higher education and research systems in Latvia and Norway, 2015-
Best Agers Lighthouses, EU-funded Baltic Sea Region Programme, member of the Advisory Council, 2013-2014
ENTREINT (Entrepreneurship Interaction),E U-funded Baltic Sea Region Programme, member of the Steering Committee, 2012-2013
CREAENT (Creative Entrepreneurship Training Network), EU-funded Central Baltic Interreg IVA programme, member of the Steering Committee, 2009-2012
BestAgers, EU-funded Baltic Sea Region Programme, member of the Steering Committee, 2009- 2012
Baltic Journal of Economics, Riga, Editor, 2008-
Connect Latvija, Chairman of the Board, 2006-
Tallinn School of Economics and Business Administration, Tallinn Technical University, Tallinn, Estonia, Member of the Advisory Board, 2006-2009
European Financial Certification Organisation (eficert), Cologne, Germany, Member of the Board, 2005-
The Per Hiller Memorial Foundation, Stockholm, Co-founder, Member of the Board, 2005-
Centre for Economic Research & Graduate Education – Economic Institute(CERGE-EI), Prague, Czech Republic, Evaluation of research projects, 2003
Stockholm School of Economics in St Petersburg, Russia, Examiner of Diploma projects in the MBA-programme, 2003
Baltic International Centre for Economic Policy Studies (BICEPS), Riga, Chairman of the Board, 2003-
Connect Latvija, Founder and Member of the Board, 2002-
The Ministry for Foreign Affairs, Sweden/The European Commission, Assessor of applications for positions within the European Union, 1995
Uppsala University, Sweden, Faculty opponent, thesis for the Licentiate Degree, 1995
The Swedish Economic Association, Secretary, 1993-1998
Peer-reviewed academic journals, referee
Selected Publications (2006-)
Barrell, A., Paalzow, A. et al. (2021): Cross-border Entrepreneurial Education, Development and Knowledge and Technology Transfer: Experiences with the Cambridge-Riga Venture Camp Programme – A Reflective Report, Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation in Emerging Economies, DOI: 10.1177/2393957520984035
Kaša, R., Elken M. and A. Paalzow (2021), Entrepreneurial universities in post-Soviet countries, in U. Hytti (editor), A Research Agenda for the Entrepreneurial University, Edward Elgar.
Rita Kaša, Mari Elken, Anders Paalzow & Diana Pauna (2019): Conditioned Entrepreneurialism: Strategic Responses of Universities in Latvia and Norway, European Education, DOI: 10.1080/10564934.2019.1637266, ISSN: 1056-4934.
Paalzow, A., (2017), "Introduction", in J. Branch, A. Hørsted, and C. Nygaard (eds), "Teaching and Learning Entrepreneurship in Higher Education", The Learning in Higher Education Series, Libri Publishing. ISBN 978-1-911450-12-2.
Krumina M. and A. Paalzow, (2017), "The Business Cycle and Early-Stage Entrepreneurship in Latvia", in A. Sauka and A. Chepurenko (eds), "Entrepreneurship in Transition Economies, Diversity, Trends and Perspectives", Springer, ISBN 978-3-319-57341-0.
Krumina, M. and A. Paalzow, (2015), “Global Entrepreneurship Monitor 2014/2015 Latvia Report”, the TeliaSonera Institute at the Stockholm School of Economics in Riga, ISBN: 978-9934-8097-6-7.
Paalzow, A., (2015), “Latvian Lessons: Here is how Riga overcame its own economic crisis – and what that says about Greece”, Snapshot, Foreign Affairs, July.
Ljungdahl. G., and A. Paalzow (2014), “Jacob och Riga-skolan”, in C. Uggla (ed), ”Till minne av Jacob Palmstierna: en antologi”, Ekerlids Förlag, ISBN 978 9187-3913-7-8
Krumina, M. and A. Paalzow, (2014), “Global Entrepreneurship Monitor 2013/2014 Latvia Report”, the TeliaSonera Institute at the Stockholm School of Economics in Riga, ISBN: 978-9934-8097-4-3.
Paalzow, A., (2013), Book Review: “On Baltic Slovenia and Adriatic Lithuania. A qualitative comparative analysis of patterns in post-communist transformation”, by Zenonas Norkus. Baltic Journal of Economics, vol. 13, no. 2, Autumn 2013. ISSN 1-406-099X.
Krumina, M. and A. Paalzow, (2013), “Global Entrepreneurship Monitor 2012/2013 Latvia Report”, the TeliaSonera Institute at the Stockholm School of Economics in Riga, ISBN: 978-9934-8097-3-6.
Avots, K, R. Strenga, and A. Paalzow, (2013), “Public venture capital in Latvia”, Baltic Journal of Economics, vol. 13, no. 1, Spring 2013. ISSN 1-406-099X.
Pradel i Miquel, M., A. Paalzow, and H. Martin-Brelot, (2013), “Policies for Small and Large Cities”, in S. Musterd and Z. Kovács(eds.), “Place-making and Policies for Competitive Cities”, Wiley-Blackwell. ISBN: 978-0-470-67503-8
Krumina, M. and A. Paalzow, (2012), “Global Entrepreneurship Monitor 2011 Latvia Report”, the TeliaSonera Institute at the Stockholm School of Economics in Riga, ISBN: 978-9934-8097-2-9.
Cunska, Z., K. Kettels, A. Paalzow, and A. Vanags, (2012), ”Latvia Competitiveness Report”, Stockholm School of Economics in Riga and the State Chancellery of the Republic of Latvia.
Rastrigina, O., M. Krumina, A. Paalzow, A Sauka, T. Putnins, and V. Jascisens, (2011), ”Global Entrepreneurship Monitor 2010 Latvia Report”, the TeliaSonera Insitute at the Stockholm School of Economics in Riga. ISBN: 978-0094-842-53-0.
Mathson, P. and A. Paalzow (editors), (2011), “Towards a New Normal: Smarter ICT Solutions for Enterprises – Challenges and Opportunities”, TeliaSonera Institute Discussion Paper, No. 13. ISBN 978-9984-842-42-4.
Dombrovsky, V., A. Paalzow, O. Rastrigina, (2010), “Latvia: Panel Study of Entrepreneurial Dynamics Overview”, in “New Business Creation”, P.D. Reynolds and R.T. Curtin, Editors, Springer, New York. ISBN: 978-14-41975-35-5.
Paalzow, A. et al., (2010), “Policies and Strategies in Riga: How to Enhance the City’s Competitiveness”, ACRE 10:9, AMIDSt, University of Amsterdam, the Netherlands. ISBN: 978-94-90312-33-6.
Paalzow, A., (2010), Book Review: “Born into a Dream: Eurofaculty and the Council of the Baltic States”, by Gustav Kristensen, Baltic Journal of Economics, Autumn, vol. 10, no. 2. ISSN: 1406-099X.
Vanags, A., O. Stasevska, and A. Paalzow, (2010), “Venture Capital in Latvia Revisited”, TeliaSonera Institute Discussion Papers, No. 9. ISBN: 978-9984-842-26-4.
Paalzow, A. et al., (2009), “Riga as a Creative Knowledge City: The Views of High-Skilled Employees, Managers and Transnational Migrants”, ACRE 8:9, AMIDSt, University of Amsterdam, the Netherlands. ISBN: 978-94-90312-19-0.
Paalzow, A., (2009), Book review: “EU Labor Markets after Post-Accession Migration”, Editors N. Kahanec and K.F. Zimmerman, Baltic Journal of Economics, Autumn, vol. 9, no. 2. ISSN: 1406-099X.
Paalzow, A. et al., (2009), “The Attractiveness of the Riga Metropolitan Region for Creative Knowledge Workers: The View of Transnational Migrants”, ACRE 7:9, AMIDSt, University of Amsterdam, the Netherlands. ISBN: 978-90-75246-97-1.
Paalzow, A., (2008), “Challenges Facing the Higher Education in the Baltic Countries”, Baltic Rim Economies Review, no. 4. ISSN: 1459-9759.
Paalzow, A. et al., (2008), “The Attractiveness of the Metropolitan Region for Creative Knowledge Workers in Riga: The Manager’s View”, ACRE 6:9, AMIDSt, University of Amsterdam, the Netherlands. ISBN: 978-90-75246-94-0.
Indriksone, I., A. Paalzow, et al., (2008), ”Renewable Energy: Is there a Latvian Master Plan?”, SSE Riga/BICEPS Occasional Papers, No. 5. ISSN: 1691-3620.
Paalzow, A. et al., (2008), “Riga: A Place for Creative People? Understanding the Attractiveness of the Metropolitan Region for the Creative Knowledge Workers”, ACRE 5:9, AMIDSt, University of Amsterdam, the Netherlands. ISBN: 978-90-75246-76-6.
Paalzow, A. and A. Vanags, (2007), “Competition in the Latvian and Baltic Grocery Retail Markets”, SSE Riga/BICEPS Occasional Papers, No. 3. ISSN: 1691-3620.
Paalzow, A. et al., (2007), “Riga: From a Hanseatic City to a Modern Metropolis: Pathways to Creative and Knowledge-Based Regions”, ACRE 2:9, AMIDSt, University of Amsterdam, the Netherlands. ISBN: 978-90-75246-61-2.
Paalzow, A., (2006), “Barriers to Regional Development in the New Member States: The Latvian Experience”, in “Regional Development and Spatial Planning in an Enlarged European Union”, N. Adams, J. Alden and N. Harris, Editors, Ashgate, Aldershot, UK. ISBN: 978-0-7546-4714-0.
Adams, N., S. Ezmale and A. Paalzow, (2006), “Towards Balanced Development in Latvia: The Experience of the Latgale Region”, in “Regional Development and Spatial Planning in an Enlarged European Union”, N. Adams, J. Alden and N. Harris, Editors, Ashgate, Aldershot, UK. ISBN: 978-0-7546-4714-0.