Garančs Rihards

Garančs Rihards

Director of Executive Education Department. Lecturer. BSc Courses: Data Analysis; Artificial Intelligence; Business Intelligence; Business Analytics; EMBA Course: Analytics & Storytelling With Data Department of Business and Management

Rihards Garancs is the Director of Executive Education and leads the team in developing and implementing the Open and Custom programmes and expanding the number and range of Executive Education programmes on offer.

Rihards is also the Director of the Artificial Intelligence & Data Analysis Course at SSE Riga. His expertise includes database development, data visualization, data and financial reporting automation, and efficiency improvement.

Rihards runs a consulting company that develops Business Intelligence solutions. His focus is to help companies advance in business analytics using the latest digital tools. Rihards has worked for clients in the Food & Beverage, Telecommunications & Digital, Media and Manufacturing industries.

He complements his knowledge by attaining a double degree MBA in HEC Paris and the National University of Singapore and Data Science certification in Paris.